ST4RT VPN > VPN providers > Drakker > Drakker



Visit Drakker
Location: Gibraltar
Founded: 2009
Drakker User Reviews

Drakker is a VPN provider based on OpenVPN. Its goal is to guarantee online privacy no matter where you use it : home, office or public area. Each Drakker user is provided with unique personal certificates, unusable by a third party.

Your communications are encrypted (encryption level up to 2048 bits) and your IP address is replaced by the ones of our servers. Your data are indecipherable and your personal IP is never seen.

End-to-end privacy : the Drakker network does not know anything about you, meaning no name, no email, and no IP is seen nor kept on our side, even at the payment stage. The Drakker network does not keep any log related to its user’s navigation.

The objective of the Drakker VPN service is to allow the free trade of opinions and data over the Internet.

User reviews

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  • Sergiù

    Après plusieurs essais, j’ai finalement opté pour ce VPN, trés facile à installer et à utiliser. Le support est trés réactif. Le prix est le moins cher que j’ai trouvé : 25 euros/an. De plus c’est le seul qui propose une version totalement portable, et ne laisse aucune trace sur mon ordi.
    Je le recommande.

  • James

    Not so sexy but simple and efficient. A good tool.

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