VyprVPN shared a very important piece of news. The VPN-provider set up a new VPN server in France! VyprVPN used to be located on already four countries: United-States, Netherlands, United-Kingdom and Hong Kong.
VyprVPN’s offers can now be very interesting for its French users who can from now on use a French IP address. This can be useful for all French expats who could enjoy the same privileges than the French residents of the territory even if they are at the other side of the world.
Moreover, the presence of a VyprVPN on the French territory can also reassure French people who use Wifi on their mobiles, since a VPN can protect their anonymity. Get more information on the uses of a VPN service in our blog. You can compare VyprVPN with the other VPN providers offering an IP address coming from this country on START-vpn.com.
Don’t forget that VyprVPN and START-vpn have a special offer dedicated to the visitors of our website: you can get VyprVPN pro offer for $14,99 per month instead of $19,99. This plan will allow you to enjoy an IP address from France, but also from UK, US, Netherlands and Honk-Kong! You can switch freely between these locations.
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