I usually do not do this kind of thing as to write reviews or recommend things to others but HideIPVPN made such an impression on me that I had to do it as a thank you for an excellent service!
I am using HideIPVPN since January 2010 and never, ever I have been disappointed with this service both form technical and customer service point of view. Before I trusted them I was quite afraid since usually good quality comes only with price. Not in this case. You get for your money exactly what they promise and even more. The other day I was setting up an account for a friend of mine (Sunday evening) and had some difficulties (on my side) with payment. Contacted HidieIPVPN to check about payment,account and service (expecting to get reply on Monday) to my surprise I have had an answer and full help within 5 min! Not even BIG companies (like my laptop manufacturer) are that good. Thank you guys for an superb service! And to all of you who have not decided yet... if you wish to watch hulu form wherever you are, have access to bbc or have a bit more privacy and do not want to pay for it as for gold this service is The ONE. What made me try (and stay) beside price. I have not foaund any other company of this kind helping people from countries with high censorship (and low income) with give away of free accounts. This way I have a feeling that in a way my money maybe do help someone from Chine or Iran. They are constantly improving their service. Only recently new server was added on the east coast of USA to improve speed and quality even more.
Plus (if you're Polish) you can easily read all necessary information in Polish - go to hideipvpn.com and click hideipvpn.pl at the bottom of their site. Now for Poles who might find this review in the internet. Jesli potrzebujesz informacji o HideIpVPN.com po polsku alby lepiej poznac oferte, wejdz na www.HideIPVPN.pl gdzie znajdziesz wszystkie potrzebne informacje o tej usludze.
Again, thank you for best VPN service I had, keep up the good work guys!
HideIpVPN review – 389