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TuVPN review – 287
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In 2010-09-09 22:15:09

Answer from tuvpn to Phoenix: And to try to clarify things here. 1st) Of course, we do not log, store or analyse any traffic generated by our users as per our logging policy: 2on) Phoeninx, I assume you signed for a dedicated IP service. So you download copyrighted material from a server on which we have banned P2P (for the sake of keeping the server alive) using your dedicated IP ... Our hosting provider receives a claim from whatever entity that from the IP assigned to you whatever copyrighted stuff was distributed. You guess that the hosting company forwards it to us with a side note to stop it or lose the server. So you see, that we didn't log or sniff around to get that information. 3rd) What we care is about protecting our network for ALL users to enjoy and because of this we put some very simple rules in place that you can follow or move with your business somewhere else. Sorry if that sounds blunt but this is the reality I would say most VPN providers are facing. Regards, TUVPN.COM